July 29, 2005


A Slashie can be anything/actor. The following are those who manage to do both somewhat respectably (VERY rare). While folk like Dan Marino claim Slashie-hood, i made a rule that everyone had to have at least 2 experiences wherein they played someone other than themselves. And the 2 careers had to, for the most part, coincide, so Ronald Reagan missed the list.


Willie Nelson: singer/actor
Steve Martin: actor/novelist
Mos Def: rapper/actor
Mikhail Baryshnikov: ballet dancer/actor
Barbara Streisand: singer/actress (i know, but i wanted at least one woman on the list! and she's got 2 Oscars and a bajillion Grammys)

i know there's a ton more out there, but my brain is fried. You're welcome to improve the list.

A billion points to whoever can think of the best multi-Slashie! i.e. Jane Fonda: fitness guru/model/actress/rabble rouser/writer.


Anonymous said...

mos def is a good call. let's not forget...
bo jackson: football player/baseball player
michael jordan: basketball/actor
ernest hemmingway: writer/drunkard
benjamin franklin: scientist/politician
and of course...
travis baker: awesome/super bad-ass

Anonymous said...

i just realized they all had to be actors. so disregard my list. except for michael jordan, he still counts.
and that baker fellow. because he totally rules.

winnie niemeyer said...

you forgot to acknowledge britney spears for her outstanding performance in crossroads and her unaltered singing voice!
britney spears: vocalist/actress/baby's mama-to-be

David said...

How about :

Martin Sheen - actor/activist/inmate/father-to-slashie

Snoop Dogg - actor/rapper/porn director/player/420 advocate

Mary Kate Olsen - actor/entrepreneur/adolescent/rehab patient/millionaire

Keanu Reaves - bad actor/bassist

oh - and Travis forgot that both Bo Jackson and Michael Jordan (who also had his own cologne and clothing line) starred in their very own cartoon with Wayne Gretzky

Whitney said...

So not that this is a source of pride for my profession or anything, but Streisand is also a "/director".

Other actors that technically get the "/director" are Bonnie Hunt, Sean Astin, and most A List male actors including Johnny Depp, for a film so bad that he single handedly has taken it off the shelves. That being said if anybody can find me a copy of The Brave, I'd really appriciate it.

And don't forget Snoop Dogg is also a /pee wee football coach.

Anonymous said...

Whitney reminded me of one important Slashie i neglected to include: Clint Eastwood: actor/director/composer/former deputy or sheriff of a dinky town somewhere/donor to the Redding Cascade Theater Renovation.

Sorry Travis, i think your super bad-ass status has been usurped.