November 30, 2005

At least more people will boycott WalMart :]

A contact i've made through work has graciously added me to her mass-email list. She assumes that since i'm pro-life i'm also in agreement on all Conservative positions. (b/c apparently one can't be pro-life just b/c it's right) The most recent gem in my inbox was a petition to boycott businesses that aren't using the term 'Christmas' & are substituting it with 'Holidays.' Here's a little exerpt----
"Banning any mention of the word Christmas, Wal-Mart, Kmart & Target are attacking the reason for the season & discriminating against Christians! Your help is needed to keep Christmas rightfully honored in America! Using "Happy holidays!" as their lame politically correct excuse, corporate executives are suddenly in lock step with godless liberals conspiring to eradicate all things Christian. Don't let the chains get away with this anti-Christian bigotry! It is time we defend what has been GIVEN to us by GRACE!"

----i could go for days on what's wrong with all that, but i'll keep it simple: Do we really want Christmas 'rightfully honored' by being plastered all over WalMart? It's 'anti-Christian bigotry' to respect the fact that Jews and other religious groups are peacefully celebrating significant ecclesiastical events this season?? (Apparently they haven't read that part about Judaism and Christianity being cousins, & Christmas is a time for family!) Shouldn't we honor a gift of grace by graciously acknowledging other belief systems, as they continuously endure ours? Getting all worked up about being able to mass-consume under the banner of Christianity is pretty screwy. Maybe that makes me a 'godless liberal,' but at least i'm a tolerant one.


Charlie said...

1. You may have noticed that this is my 4th or 5th comment today. This is because I just now found out that you had a blog and am catching up.

2. I share your feelings of "GIVE ME A BREAK!" It's as if God is dependant on Wal-Mart and Courts in Alabama to reveal Godself to us... if only God could become a person... naw that wouldn't work, you know how God's always going on about the poor, He'd probably pick some nobody's family to be born into and that's not going to do anybody any good. Wal-Mart has influence God needs their help in revealing His nature to us via the classic "Merry Christmas" sign hung over the $2 T-shirt rack.

Anonymous said...

it seems for years that the religious right in this country have lambasted places of business for what they often referred to as 'the commercialization of christmas'. and now that these major stores are taking the word 'christmas' out, these very same people are all up in arms about the fact that they can't find a plastic glowing baby jesus to hang in their trailors. just one more thing to add to my list as to why i wish i was canadian.

Anonymous said...

just a teeny tiny side note to this vent that we have going on...something that is really minor in comparision to the importance of talking about how ridiculously smarter we are than "them"'s world AIDS day.
maybe we should think more about the fact that 95% of people with AIDS dont even know they have it.

winnie niemeyer said...

i'm with travis. every day i add things to my list for jason called "why we are moving to british colombia in t minues two and a half years." top of the list: their government had a surplus of cash left over from their budget this year, so all our canadian friends get a $400 check this january. surplus? the hell? i can't even imagine...

Anonymous said...

three cheers for godless liberalism