November 23, 2005

A coffee maker is a robot.

The Office is tied with about 5 other shows as my Total and Complete Favorite Television Series Ever, and i recently discovered that the ever-hilarious Dwight has a blog! Sample---

Also- think about the way the throat and swallowing works. The epiglotis decides what goes where down the trachea and/or esophogus. But it gets no respect. This tiny flap of skin in your neck decides if something is food or air. The food goes to your tummy. The air goes to your lungs. Without it your food would go straight into your lungs and clog them up. You'd have soup in your lungs. Or a sandwich. Or doritos. Or Fresca. OR you would get air in your tummy and be a big gassy fart bag all the time. All that from the tiny, powerful epiglotis.
In many ways, I am like the epiglotis. Small, unappreciated, not well thought of or respected, but POWERFUL. So powerful that without me you'd have food in your lungs.

Today's topic: "What part of the body are YOU mos tlike?" (and don't say the genitals or the butt)

1 comment:

Charlie said...

I love me some Steve Carrell, but the boss on the original Brittish version of the Office... is PRICELESS. If you haven't seen them yet, do so without hasitly and without hesitation!