April 17, 2006


Time to update with Joshie and Kal! Gather 'round kiddos!

We don't do much, but manage to always be busy. Josh is so busy at work that sometimes he comes home at 8 and they're thinking of getting him another assistant. (he's a bigwig now!) The winery is sending him to Chicago in May to schmooze with some printing company, and they're paying for me to go along! Look out Oprah, i'm coming!!! As far as work, i am the opposite of busy, but that's kind of a long story. i'm looking for other jobs, but it's kind of hard to find someone to overpay me the way i want to be overpaid :) We spend alot of weekends with the youth group, and when we're not with them we're with the youth staff having 'grown-up time'. Today i leave for the 2nd of 3 weekends of town. Last weekend we were in Redding for Bon & Andy's (heretofore known as Bondy) engagement soiree and Easter. Today i am flying to San Diego for Whitney's bridal shower, and next weekend i'll be going down with mom and dad to help Bonbon find a wedding dress. i am campaigning for something plaid, but we'll see how that goes. Cosmo is a ginormous 16 pounds now and has figured out how to jump from the floor into the top drawer of my dresser, but not how to get to the kitchen counter, which is much lower. We'll keep our fingers crossed that that mystery continues to evade him because it's literally the last surface in the apartment that is kitty-free. i've also been keeping busy with my sewing machine, and Grandma Joy helps with pesky things like zippers and buttonholes. Without her, i think i'd be sewing sleeveless smocks and zipperless skirts for the remainder of my days. (Not very fashionable.) Josh has a bunch of designing work in addition to what he does at work, and so our evenings are ripping out seams and drawing logos to the light of whatever's on tv. Glam, we know. So that's about it. If anyone wants to play with Josh these next two weekends he and Cosmo will be crying crocodile tears while i dance in the sand in Sun Diego!

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