May 15, 2007

end of an era

Thusly the last of us has commenced education at that fabled, $350 million dollar campus nestled in busom of a seagull on a branch somewhere near Mexico. All Bakers are graduated and accounted for and our intellectual reign of terror has come to a close. Public $afety can retire their tickets and pepper spray, for their enforcement of all things arbitrary on all persons Us is officially over. Bongo walked, and we did our darndest to be the loudest patch in the quilt, then we bid adieu to the magical Point for many, many years. Who knows if any of our DNA will ever return? No bricks mark our having been there, no trophies or records adorn any walls with our name...Should none return, we'll simply be apsorbed like so many others into the general flavor of the air. That's why it tastes so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I for one, would like to think I left an indelible, if imperceptible mark on the general psyche of that community by the sea. Then again, maybe that's my own hubris speaking, maybe I really will disappear into the waves of history, drown in remains to be seen.