September 02, 2005

Top 5 Theories On Why Katie and Bobby Don't Email Us

Disclaimer: KaBob came and visited us in Elk Grove, which guarantees them a mansion in Heaven. But they almost NEVER email! Here's my ideas why:

They're waiting for the most opportune moment to announce that special bundle of expenses some sentamentalists call 'a baby.'

They've been emotionally kidnapped by hippies, euthanasia advocates, hikers, or some other Oregonian group, and now they're burning bridges to their 'unenlightened past' (aka US).

They stumbled upon a massive under-Portland oil reserve and are subsequently filthy, filthy rich and don't want to share with us.

They're so hooked on their ability to Netflix every season of 'Northern Exposure' that they spend all their spare time in front of the tube.

They're too busy searching for the perfect puppy or kitten: something with brown hair, big blue eyes, a toothy grin and killer dance moves.

1 comment:

winnie niemeyer said...

maybe they just have all new friends...a new Oregon-Winter and Oregon-Kallie...we've been replaced!! least we have lola & cosmo!