October 03, 2005

Weekend Schmeekend

We spent Friday afternoon thru Sunday night at the Sacramento Convention Center at the National Youth Workers Conference. It was cool, but it meant getting up at 6am Saturday and Sunday, which i believe is actually against the will of the God who loves us. We got to spend more time w/Unfried AND got to hang out w/Josh Loesche. We also ran into Dave Nichols and Scott Ritter. We heard some good speakers including Captain Fascinating: Tony Campolo. Love him or hate him, he's one wicked-smart-crazy-Italian. The best speaker was Sue Thomas, an elderly deaf woman who worked for the FBI and is pretty stinking funny, not to mention darn Christian. We got to check out some really good music from Kendall Payne, 4th Avenue Jones, and Shane&Shane. Josh's description of 4th Ave. Jones: 'The Fugees dressed as the Black Eyed Peas rocking like Linkin Park.' Plus they had a violin. Pretty cool.

We also hung out w/my parents and Aunt Cindy and family friends the Stanleys. And i can now say i've met someone named Seamus. We had a good dinner w/them at Michaelangelo's (as usual) and got to drink some Jewel wine before we went back to get our youth-working on.

This is what i think about youth pastors: They are rabbits disguised as humans. They are constantly multiplying. Perhaps this is because they are all good-looking men with cute wives, but i think it's because the wives don't want to have to hang out w/the Junior High students so they get pregnant. In any case, any time there's a population of youth pastors, there's a population of babies. BabyGap owes much to the Church.


Now for the Top 5......

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