August 26, 2005


'Wins what?' you ask. Wins EVERYTHING.
It doesn't cost a spleen sold on the black market to pay the rent.

The trees do this crazy thing with their leaves where they like, change all the colors! Then they dump 'em all off on the grass and switch 'em all out for new leaves! Trees are hilarious...

Lakes and rivers: not so salty!

Parking downtown, or even in your apartment complex, is not only possible, it's likely.

It only snows when and where we want it to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We noticed that Kallie is reading 100 years of Solitude. Andrew says that he REALLY REALLY likes that book; Go Lit majors! Kristen says that any book where all the characters have the same name is too confusing for reading during Anna Lauren's naps. See you soon!