August 01, 2008

and by guidelines i mean demands


Here is what i've come up with for guidelines in the redesign of this site. i think you have my cell phone number in case you have any questions. If not, you can call my mom and she'll give you my number because i know you two are secret 'whisper-about-kallie's-strange-insecurities-and- how-they-effect-you' buddies. Yeah. i've known for a while now.

Ø No fatty margins. I don’t want a medium-length post about my Hershey-bar-breakfast to look like the book of Deuteronomy because only 5 words fit on a line.

Ø YouTube postability please. It’s an essential way to force my humor on others.

Ø Photo-of-the-day section. The logic being that it will encourage us (which, let's face it, is really ME) to take more pictures, because eventually our friends will tire of being fully responsible for photodocumenting our lives.

Ø Suggested colors include grey and aubergine, or a combination of the two. Not necessary, but it might discourage me from painting every room of ‘your house’ (your words, not mine) grey. Just a reminder: these little obsessions of mine are not arbitrary- they are the result of me being a very stylish, on-trend lady and it is in your best interest to not resist them.

Ø Passage-of-the-week section. Of the Bible, you say? HA! No silly! Of fictional novels that I read and enjoy. It is my duty to Karl and Bettina to make use of their fine educating and until I determine how to do that, I will post paragraphs of wordy stuff on my bloggyblog.

Ø If you could figure out how to sell ad space and generate steady, humble income for all this gibberish, well, sir, i may be so thankful i just might cook you a meal!

That's all. Just a reminder, my birthday is in 20 days, but my mom probably already told you that when you two went shoe shopping together last week.

---oh yeah - and a usable comments section, if you please.

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