We've been in our house for a week now and stuff is starting to sift out of boxes and into the right places. We're also figuring out things like 'the switch to turn on the light for the front walk is down near the floor on an electrical outlet in the guest bedroom, of course.' We've met a few neighbors and learned that part of our house used to be an open-air bird sanctuary in the 50s, which does alot to explain the ghost birds that keep showing up and slamming doors, pushing rocking chairs and generally causing mayhem. (okay, some portions of that sentence may not be true, i'll let you decide.) The previous owners left alot behind; some good things (ladders, paint supplies, furniture) and some not so good (TRASH FOR DAYS, tvs that don't work, 'gardening' supplies we upstanding citizens won't need) so in addition to unpacking we have to wade through all that. Cosmo, though tenative at fist and
still scared of the waterfall even when it's not running, seems to like his new place. He can do his sprints and chase bugs without any rottweilers trying to put him in their mouths, but a part of him misses 4-legged company. An electrician is coming tomorrow to sort out the labyrinthine light/breaker box situation, then we can take care of the awful wood paneling and get a decent color of paint on the walls. Josh is telecommuting to his job at the winery and will eventually have to go down and work Tues/Weds/Thurs every other week, but for now is going down for those days every week in April. Not too fun but he stays with his parents and sees the fam more than he did when we lived in Elk Grove, so it works out. i am still waiting for the perfect job to drop from the sky, but am also looking for something to keep me busy until then. Despite all the trials and frustrations, we're immensely glad to be in Redding. We'd definitely lose our minds if we were doing trying to make a perfectly finished, astoundlingly boring plastic Elk Grove domino our home and only having a few corporate chain stores to do it with. Tonight while we were walking around the block we even saw stars! STARS! Can you imagine?? It's just wacky what these small towns have. Anyway, that's the update. The chaos of the move prevented us from getting any pictures of the house while it was empty, but as soon as we have it cleaned up a little (give us 6 months) we'll try to take and post some. COME VISIT! We even have a bed for you!