Andrew shows us that storing carrot in your cheeks ALL DAY means you don't really have to eat veggies.
After our German/Japanese Markle Christmas, we got to fiesta with the Mexican branch of the Baker family tree and eat lasagna for Christmas dinner. Throw in a little Kwanzaa and we would've had it made! THIRTY TWO people were at my parents' house for Christmas, complete with a newborn, a set of twins, and flask of whiskey. My grandpa Dan showed Josh how to play Bacci Ball like a man and Travis demonstrated the danger of projectile pistachios when launched from a kitchen knife. And like good missionaries Josh and i spread the joy of Speed Scrabble and learned Spades in the process. We walked away with some new socks and a pound of ground beef to call our own. And no longer will we be sleeping on Josh's lifelong V-shaped bed because my parents rock!!
If there was a common theme this year in our multi-faceted Christmases, it was how veryvery blessed we are to have doubled our wonderful families into two. We also got to see some very dear friends in the days around Christmas, so before and bow was unwrapped we already had more than we could ask for. Cole Porter said it best:
"You're the top! You're the Colosseum!
You're the top! You're the Louvre Museum!
You're a melody from a symphony by Strauss,
You're a Bendel bonnet, a Shakespeare sonnet,
You're Mickey Mouse!
You're the Nile, you're the tower of Pisa,
You're the smile on the Mona Lisa,
i'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop,
But if baby i'm the bottom, you're the top!"
luv, kal