December 30, 2004

Markle Christmas 2004

This year's Christmas had two very different perspectives...that of a three year old and that of an 83 year old. It was interesting to see the excitement of a toddler tearing open the unknown only to shriek in glee with its contents revealed. It didn't matter that it was just a box and she hadn't really made it to the "actual present" inside, it was all about the excitement of the event. The exact opposite was present as well. Some older family members who have had their fair share of Christmas' peel open a couple presents to reveal books and knick-knacks that they are sure are copies of something they already have. Oh well, tis' the season. It is always the thought that counts. Regardless of who got what and who liked what, it was great seeing family. One of the main reasons Kallie and I made the swap from San Diego to Elk Grove was for the family. And that is exactly what I got for Christmas.


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