October 10, 2005

100 Years of Everyone Having The Same Friggin Name

Today i finally finished the aptly-named One Hundred Years of Solitude. While i agree that it's one of the 5 greatest novels EVER, and i understand Latin American naming traditions, i maintain that giving FIFTEEN characters (not counting the 17+ assassinated Aurelianos) the same FOUR names is just plain MEAN. i was so confused i began to use the family tree as my bookmark and thus ruined the surprises of some of the later generations' breedings.

And since i'm a literary masochist, i've begun to read The Sound and the Fury, in which 4 characters share 2 names, 1 character changes the name he used to share with his uncle, another character's name disappears from the family vocabulary, and it's all 'explained' in perspectives that have no sense of chronology!

Why do i punish myself? Because in high school i faked book reports on The Scarlet Letter, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Great Expectations, and Catch-22....among a hundred others.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Kallie, you aren't the only one who can google...look who is filling up the "Kallie Baker" vacancy now that you are Kallie Markle.
