May 10, 2007

answer questions using only song titles

PICK A BAND: Ben Harper

1.) Are you a male or female?: She Believes

2.) Describe yourself: Diamonds On The Inside

3.) How do you feel about yourself?: Blessed To Be A Witness

4.) Describe where you currently live: With My Own Two Hands

5.) If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: One Road To Freedom

6.) Your best friend is: Gold To Me

7.) Your favorite color is: Brown Eyes Blue

8.) You know that there are: Roses From My Friends

9.) What's the weather like?: So High So Low

10.) If your life was a television show, what would it be called?: She's Only Happy In The Sun

11.) What is life to you?: Glory and Consequence

12.) What is the best advice you have to give?: Don't Take That Attitude To Your Grave

13.) Your current love interest is: By My Side

14.) What's your favorite hobby?: Burn One Down :) just kidding

15.) When you think of your friends you think: I Shall Not Walk Alone

16.) What do your friends think of you?: When It's Good

17.) What will you name your first child?: Suzie Blue

18.) You always travel with?: Picture of Jesus

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