June 17, 2007

"Is it cold in here? i feel a chill." -Satan

i owe many, many apologies to many, many fans of the Harry Potter series. It is everything you all always said it was, and this literary snob is humbled. i thought it was hype, i thought it was asinine, i thought it was waste. i thought wrong. Rowling is brilliant and i have a crush on Harry (even though i know that makes me kind of a weirdo) and i desperately want Guilderoy Lockhart's autograph and my own owl and i want to be the third Weasley twin and i want Snape to like me and i think Ron is beyond hilarious and so on and so forth. i cannot read these books fast enough; i'm thankful it has taken me this long to get acquainted because now i can read them all back to back to back without having to wait for the next one to come along. i can't wait to do my own Harry Potter film festival and you're all invited. Owls too.



Peter Lance said...

I'm in the same boat. I've been listening to them on audio and they are so amazing! Rowling's development of her character's is great, and her humor is so witty. Good Stuff.

winnie niemeyer said...

i don't want to be petty, but on behalf of whitney, ashley and i...WE TOLD YOU SO!!! i'm really glad you're reading them, they are so amazing. apology accepted.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you have seen the light! I have always been a huge fan and I am now thrilled that you are one too! In fact, I went to England for these past two weeks and I will need to get you the pictures of places found in the movies! All of which I visited of course! Such places as Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station and The entrance hall staircase that they walk up their first year at school and lastly the Dining Hall which in real life actually has a gazillion painting on the walls all around. Happy reading the last of the books, including the newly out Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (that's only if you haven't finished them yet! ha ha ha!) Welcome to the Harry Potter Fan Club!