July 13, 2007


David tagged me. This is when you put something up on your blog and then pick a handful of other people to do the same thing on their blogs.
My Eight Random Facts/Habits

1. Habit: losing the cap to my daily Vitamin Water, which is kind of absurd since they're pretty big.

<-2. Habit: watching Frasier

3. Fact: i have a freckle on the palm of my hand. It appeared one year while i was working at Nazbot Camp so it is my special camp freckle.

4. Habit: biting my lower lip when lifting something heavy (treacherous when you're moving or installing dry wall)

5. Fact: i just ate a red M&M off the floor of my office

6. Fact: At my last job i had a piece of paper hidden in my desk where i would write swear words repeatedly until i felt better.

7. Fact: i can and have listened to a song on repeat for several hours on numerous occasions.

8. Habit: Matt Damon movies ->
Technically i'm suposed to tag 8 more bloggers to do this, but i don't even know 8 bloggers so i will just awaken Winter from her bloggy slumber and tag her.

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