April 24, 2008

texts. the saga continues.

-Maybe so. Wiry hair?


-i just heard an avril song on the radio, i always think about how told me that jason loves her. It makes me smile.

-what's the book We're reading for club this month? i just remember some long author's name that no one could pronounce but you.

-(i promise i won't be a psycho neighbor and stalk her)

-Full on drum set or something like tymphani? (haha! someone thinks i know what a thimpyni-thingy is.)

-i'm watching two squirrels attacking each other at the park. small cute furry animals are VICIOUS!!
--i hope they don't realize i have kettle chips. i bet they wouldn't heitate ripping my throat apart for some tuscan three cheese.
---oh no ive lost sight of one of the squirrellys. am i being distracted? they don't hunt like raptors do they?
----oh wait. i spotted him. he is chewing on a sprinkler pipe. chewing like a raptor that is.
-----they went up a tree. im sensing an aerial strike.

-i'm literally teething, kallie. and oragel tastes nasty.

-this is all most definitely going in our screenplay.

-Well PTL!

-Mischief of the most brilliant kind.

-Iphone says thankyou

-May i come borrow mr drill motor?

-can lyn borrow you ironing board?

-I wish you would guppy up and get your pooch on so i could take her for walks!

-That will be enough of YOUR lippy!

-And That's serious because the Academy will take your film equipment away for that shit.

-whitneys still alive? its a miracle!

-Google says To Much To Handle.

-my hands smell like baby.

-its all secret files! dont show anyone!!

-"i've been using pretty much 1 new word a week, but i forget them." -just overheard from NYU undergrad girl

-I hear desmond and faraday have a passionate gay sex scene tonight. Faraday asks desmond to be his constant and bam...They are at it like 2 cowboys in the montanna mountains after a long day of hearding sheep

-I can do that, i'll whisper her to the best of my abilities!


-there was a shrink on the island??? where has she been this whole time?! so much could have been avoided!

-tim riggins' dad! and also, juliet's boobs!

-No so much smarty now huh

-Go go gadget paws

-this apple tastes like green onions.

-Steak me

-She's not a dude! She's kinda cute... So we'll see what happens.

-i get annoyed being around really "nice" people. they are corny and not witty, and therefore boring.

-We doing naps and then maybe cookies later

-have fun with that bleh

-i want a job where i just ride a lawnmower at the park all day.

-you know what they should make? deodorant that smells like freshly cut grass.

-what color eyeshadow do you wear to meet tami taylor?!?!

-You should run over and see the cutest mt puppy... Tylers parents

-a waterbra. HA! i kid! something homemade and awesome, natch.

-i have NINE lip balms/glosses in mt purse right now. NINE. no one needs that much lip gloss. not even angelina jolie. and she's got more real estate to cover than anyone!

-happy easter! the chocolate-filled easter bunny is risen!

-a last just came into this 99cent Chinese food restaurant yelling that french fries gave her diharrea all night...What did she expect?!?

-Cupcake week on martha!

-i said REJOICE WITH ME!!!!

-the tudors is so boring this season! its all "separation from rome" and no sex!! 

-Did you mean Jer Shuggiebear Skatemaster?

-Bahaha! A neat face!

-agreed! can marc come too? we need a gay best friend too dont we? to tell us what not to wear etc....

-god i HATE meredith grey.

-Yeah!! Ass kicker!

-i declare today pat benetar day. 

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