October 02, 2008

Research, schmesearch, i support cancer!!

(try saying schmesearch 5 times fast.)

It gives me the creeps when that all important little word, research, is left off of promotional materials, titles, headlines. I.e., 'DONATE TO SUPPORT BREAST CANCER!' or it's cousin 'ALL PROCEEDS TO SUPPORT MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY!'

i get that we're supposed to assume they mean breast cancer research and the fight against MD because no one actually supports that stuff, in and of itself, but can we please be more careful and not look like weird, terminal disease loving gonzos? Kind of like these people.

1 comment:

Amo said...

I couldn't even say Schmesearch once. Wow, it's been forever since i've read joshandkallie, or had any other kind of contact with you guys. How is redding and when will you visit poor, cookie- cutter Elk Grove? And do you have facebook accounts?