March 13, 2009

Song #11

Getting back to the top 15 countdown of my all time besty-songzies, we are making a most logical jump from rock-n-roller prettyboys Kings of Leon to The Mister of all Misters, Mr. Ray Charles. i chose 'Georgia On My Mind', which you might think is kinda cliche' of me but to which i say 'stop with all the hate, we're already in a recession, you jackweed.' Try to deny the beauty of this song- the way his voice oooozes, the way it creates an intimate sense of place between you and somewhere you've probably never been, the everyone you know can identify it within the first few notes.... The fact that it's historical and popular doesn't make it less of a good choice for a personal list. It's still a very good song. The 11th best song ever, if you ask me. Since this song was performed by Ray so many times and has been covered and covered and covered (and never matched, in my opinion), it was hard to find my favorite version to post here. i am very resourceful though, and i used The Google. Please excuse the foreign subtitles. Sit back, turn up the volume, and drift away.

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