December 02, 2005

Top 5 Christmas Movies

Tis the season for Christmas themed Top 5 lists. For guidance, i Googled christmas movies, and found a list by They listed Trading Places (the great Dan Akroyd/Eddie Murphy flick) and i thought, 'that's random.' Then i read why they thought it was such a great holiday film: "Jamie Lee Curtis offers a fine dose of nudity and yuletide cheer." Ah yes. Good times watching that movie on Whit's little dvd player on the flight to Chicago, and J.Lee's boobs everywhere so the other passengers probably thought we were lesbo pervs. ....and i have no segue back to Christmas, so here's the list:

Charlie Brown's Christmas-- where we all first learned that scrawny trees can clean up real pretty-like. You know Linus's presentation of Luke's account of Christ's birth gets you a little choked up, don't deny it. Plus, this movie has some fantastic dance sequences.
The Nightmare Before Christmas-- When one kid pulls a shrunken skull out of his stocking.... priceless! There's only so much a person can do with a movie about Christmas, so Tim Burton says 'Eh, i think i'll toss in Halloween too!' and it rawks. The world owes much to Mr. Burton.
Scrooged-- Bill Murray, Carol Kane & a pre-Housewives Alfre Woodard, among others, make this Dickens adaptation downright screwy (in a good way). It covers the spectrum of biting and mean to 'God bless us, every one' without overstepping either line. Plus it's Bill Murray.
Elf-- As if i would make a list like this without Elf!! This movie re-defines 'good clean Christmas fun' and forever changed the way i board escalators. Plus you've got Sonny Corleone in a Santa hat.
A Christmas Story-- Ralphie and that ever-elusive Red Ryder bb gun. TV networks play this movie incessantly for a reason: it's fantastic. Few movies, especially small holiday films, boast as many memorable scenes as this one. The lamp, the slow-motion F word, triple dog dares, evil Santa, the bunny outfit, Ovaltine, going ape on the bully, literally shooting your eye out, and of course, "fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra!" name a few.

i know Josh will hit me for not including Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation (just kidding, Josh doesn't hit me...... that often) (no really, he doesn't hit me!! ...he throws broken beer bottles at me) so i'm giving it an honorable mention, mostly for Aunt Bethany's 'prayer' that sounds an awful lot like the Pledge of Allegiance.
What do you think? Did i miss any? (and don't say Die Hard)


Josh and Kallie said...

Sorry Kal, but you forgot Frosty the Snow Man and the one about the vilian that steals a guy's wife and then shrinks him down the size of the toy and then he goes to the villian's house and plans a war against the villian with all the toys in the villian's house. Is that Babes in Toyland? Whatever it is awesome!

winnie niemeyer said...

i am so glad you put scrooged on that list! i feel that it is a very under-appreciated christmas movie, but one of my favorites. carole kane is HILARIOUS in that one. muppets christmas carol...anyone? no...ok.

Charlie said...

Charlie Brown's Christmas made the list and Christmas Vacation gets an honorable mention?!? Tsk tsk.

*crash of beer bottle hitting wall*

Anonymous said...

No offense, but I agree with Charlie. The Charlie Brown Christmas movie sounds like a trendy pick not a real one...i mean have you ever really watched that movie. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie because of the hilarious Hey Ya remake. Christmas Vacation should be number one in my opionon, and Christmas, Christmas, Christmas should be in there as well. THank you for your time.

David said...

I'm about to punch you all in the throat(s). How could you forget White Christmas? WHITE FREAKING CHRISTMAS. By far the best.

Christmas with the Kranks? Hmmm....