December 12, 2005

Weekend Wonderboredom

Friday: Global Wine Group holiday party. Now, according to Josh, this was going to involve his bosses getting blasted and some accompanying mayhem of fictional-comic proportions. i had visions of lamp-shade hats dancing in my head. i got a fun new black dress to wear and prepared myself for the worst...or the best...depending on your perspective. Alas. It was a very tame evening, no 50-year-olds table dancing, photocopied fannies, or vino keg stands. The only scandal was a coworker teasing Josh about his high-school wife. Yeah. i think it was supposed to mean 'Darn. Your wife is young and hot and mine's not...' but i'd rather not be referred to as 'high school', especially when i got all dressed up for the occasion. Blame Bacchus i guess. Anyway, everyone Josh works with thinks he pretty much walks on water, so it's nice to see him doted on. Next time, though, i'll be more insistant on some lamp shades.
Saturday- We compiled stockings for the children who live at Meadows Depot. A lone youth grouper helped (big ups to Bethany!) and we managed to accidentally steal a shopping basket from the Dollar Tree. We wandered out to Lodi for dinner w/Adam, Nicole, Claire & Thomas where we got to play the fishing game, watch 'Eyeore's Birthday' and enjoyed watching some top quality Child Ceaselessy Spinning In Circles.

Sunday meant getting my new DRB cd in the mail (yipee!!), being bored out of mind after i finished my re-reading of Memoirs of a Geisha and ultimately ending up at Chris and Kallie's to meet their new kitty, Scotty, who is all white with pink accents (nose, ears, toes, tongue).


Anonymous said...

sounds a lot more fun than spending hours upon hours staring at pages of meaningless notes and graphs trying to study for an econ final, which i ultimately did so bad as to have the professor suggest that i "forgot to answer this page of questions." yeah, no i saw those questions dr. mceliece. i just thought that the questions would live longer if i didn’t mutilate their answers so badly they attempted suicide.
can test questions do that? because if they could, i am pretty sure they would.
oh, and you don't have to worry about wrapping my christmas gift as i am sure the size of the box would take multiple rolls of wrapping paper.

Kallie said...

The questions would live longer... that's funny. Poor questions. Uh- i mean POOR BONNIE!

Coincidentally, the ONLY Christmas gifts i've wrapped (despite Cosmo's best efforts) have been yours! And i still have tons o' paper to spare, but don't worry, i poked holes in the box so Mr. Baby Monitor Lizard could breathe.

Whitney said...

Bonnie, I feel your pain. When I took the final for McEliece for Econ nobody had moved by the end of the test. I didn't even get to the last 2 pages and that's after I only half did 75% of the rest of the questions. I have never been so proud of a D minus (my final grade btw) in my life. My version of hell is being stuck in his class again with the cast of Laguna Beach while Hoobstank's The Reason plays quietly on repeat in the background.

felt the need to show a little Solidarity there.